Monday, October 24, 2022

Mr. Turtleton's Wild Ride / A Pirate's Life For B

Mr. Turtleton's Wild Ride:
- Sweet Sally Shuffle - Thomas Kane, Colin Baldry (Title card)
- Waddle Cop - David Farnon [CPM] (Millie talking to Mr. Turtleton)
- Happy-Go-Lively - Laurie Johnson (Bessie and Happy cleaning)
- Gong, Hard Hit [Sound Ideas] (Gong)
- Catching the Mouse [#49.02] - Phil Green [CPM] (Later...)
- Fun at the Fair (a) - Paddy Kingsland (Bessie wearing joke sunglasses)
- Spring Party - Laurent Bernadoy ("Disco shell, awesome!")
- Clog Dance - Dick Walter (Millie tries to call Bessie)
- Slap Those Thighs! - Richard Myhill (Millie standing by the phone at night)
- Chase and Relax - Gregor Narholz (Bessie, Happy, and Chester zip lining)
- Slap Those Thighs! - Richard Myhill (Millie pacing around the phone)
- Drunk With Sleep - Claudio Puntin, Steffen Schorn (Chester slowly winks)
- Smack It Hard (a) - Dre Zagman, Marvin Strait, Galileo Seven [West One Music] (Bessie riding on Chester)
- Grave Robber - Steve Lodder (Horror movie)
- Slap Those Thighs! - Richard Myhill (Millie returns)
- Grave Robber - Steve Lodder (Millie enters the Higgenbottom's)
- Organ Sting 1 - Steve Lodder ("Goddag!")
- Playful [#72] - Harry Bluestone, Emil Cadkin [CPM] (Chester turns away from Millie)
- Comic Cues [#29] - Harry Bluestone, Emil Cadkin [CPM] (Chester goes into his shell)
- Happy Bridge 05 - Harry Bluestone, Emil Cadkin [CPM] (Chester doesn't want to leave)
- Lumbering Along - Harry Lubin [CPM] (Chester thinks)
- Caught 1 - Harry Bluestone, Emil Cadkin [CPM] (Happy jumps off the toilet)
- Foreboding - Gregor Narholz (Chester in the toilet)
- C'est La Vie! (a) - Philip Hochstrate [West One Music] (Chester keeps trying to return to Bessie)
- Chase and Relax - Gregor Narholz (Transition)
- Air For Cello - Otto Sieben ("Chester won't come out of his shell.")
- Sprightly Link 6 - Harry Bluestone, Emil Cadkin [CPM] (Chester smiles at Bessie)
- Drama Link (d) - Hubert Clifford ("This isn't the California plate!")
- Hidey Hole - Harry Lubin [CPM] ("Chester!")
- Patates Frites - Yvo Abadi, Manuel Faivre, Miguel Saboga (Chester suffering at the Higgenbottom's)
- [original composition] (Millie's song for Chester)

A Pirate's Life For B:
- Jolly Roger (b) - Mr Stix [West One Music] (Title card)
- Pirate Ship - David Farnon [CPM] (Opening)
- Magical Wish [#75.01] - Harry Bluestone, Emil Cadkin [CPM] (Gold nugget in the wall)
- Jolly Roger (b) - Mr Stix [West One Music] ("We're rich!")
- A Spring In Your Step - Udi Harpaz (Bessie and Happy go to the bank)
- The Old House - Gregor Narholz ("Ten dollar signs.")
- Jolly Roger (b) - Mr Stix [West One Music] (Bessie spending en masse)
- Droopy - Arthur Wilkinson (Bessie leaves)
- Surrounded By Mystery - Gregor Narholz ("Sir, I'm looking at your gold nugget transaction.")
- Shock Entrance [#24] - Harry Bluestone, Emil Cadkin [CPM] ("Pardon?")
- Dark Tower - Steve Lodder ("Dollar signs, due now.")
- Organ Sting 1 - Steve Lodder (Bessie screams)
- Dark Tower - Steve Lodder (Zombie creditors)
- Gnomes and Other Worriers A - Gregor Narholz (Bessie runs through the living room)
- Organ Sting 1 - Steve Lodder (Zombies at the window)
- Morbid Situation 2 - Harry Bluestone, Emil Cadkin [CPM] (Bessie admits she spent foolishly)
- Jolly Jack Tar (a) - Dick Walter (Bessie earning pieces of Happy's map)
- Shock Entrance [#23] - Harry Bluestone, Emil Cadkin [CPM] (Bessie runs from the zombie creditors)
- Hidey Hole - Harry Lubin [CPM] ("This is it!")
- Periscope [#68] - Harry Bluestone, Emil Cadkin [CPM] (Bessie digs for the treasure)
- Passionate Embrace - Larry Hochman [CPM] (Bessie finds Happy's gold)
- Bass Gliss Down D - Otto Sieben (Happy swipes the gold)
- Disaster Strikes - Arwen Davies (Bessie and Happy fight for the gold)
- A Pirate's Life For Me (a) - Ron Goodwin (Whale eats the gold)
- Perfect Hostess - Allan Gray ("Uhh, we're gonna need an extension.")
- Irish Spree - Leslie Bridgewater (Ending)

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