Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Bat Mitzvah Crashers / Super Secret Weakness

Bat Mitzvah Crashers:
- Cataklezma - Tom Kane, Colin Baldry (Title card)
- Skating Fun - Harry Bluestone, Emil Cadkin [CPM] ("Do I wanna pet a monkey?")
- Russian Rump - Jean-Jacques Perrey, Harry Breuer (Bessie and Penny crashing bat mitzvahs)
- String Discord Stab; Dramatic Stab - David Farnon [CPM] ("I'm sorry girls, but this will go down on your permanent records.")
- La Panthere Cosmique - Jean-Jacques Perrey (Crashing Chelsea's bat mitzvah)
- Cataklezma - Tom Kane, Colin Baldry ("We've got crashers!")
- Take Your Partners - Harry Bluestone, Emil Cadkin [CPM] (Country music)
- Cataklezma - Tom Kane, Colin Baldry (Chelsea chases Bessie, Penny, and Portia; Ending)

Super Secret Weakness:
- Prisoners Fate 4 - Harry Bluestone, Emil Cadkin [CPM] (Title card)
- Cat Duel - Harry Bluestone, Emil Cadkin [CPM] ("A puddle of water!")
- Solo Harp [#48.04] - Harry Bluestone [CPM] (Harp music)
- Coming To Get You - Harry Bluestone, Emil Cadkin [CPM] (Bessie's dream)
- Towerstreet 17 [#20] - Gerhard Narholz (Searching for a weakness)
- Smoke Shuffle - Gresby Nash (Protesting zucchini)
- Someone Coming - Raymond Jones ("It means personal trainers, and free clothes, and paparazzi who track her every move!")
- Keys To My Truck [#11] - Martyn Laight, Susan Fiering [CPM] (Truckers)
- Cold Sweat - Tony Kinsey ("Has the world gone crazy?")
- Death and Destruction 5 - Harry Bluestone, Emil Cadkin [CPM] (Second dream)
- Solo Harp [#48.04] - Harry Bluestone [CPM] (Harp music)
- Swarm - David Snell ("Don't like zucchini bread?")
- The Creature (a) - Gregor Narholz (Closet full of zucchini)
- Swarm - David Snell (Portia and Gwen laugh)
- Body and Mind - Gerhard Trede (Bessie returns home)
- Drama Link (b) - Hubert Clifford (Feather on Bessie's nose)

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